• Risk free
    • Cancel at any time
    • 1$ for first 30 days
    • Secure orders via Fastspring
    • Time limited opportunity


30 days for 1$

After 30 days you are charged the full price of 97$ conveniently on the same credit card or the same method of payment


We care about your Privacy. Vidine does not store any data on any remote server. It does not even require an internet Connection to load your personal video collection

The Vidine name is new but the Vidine software has been developed over many years for video professionals under a different name. It is now available for normal people like you and me.

Only 1$ and you get the full version of the Vidine software for 30 days. We offer this risk free way of testing to make sure you become a happy Vidine user

No subscription. Buy once and own the Vidine software. Use it on your computer to build your video library as long as you like.

Download Vidine for Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista

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