“Manage Your Downloads”

video downloadhelper Recommended by Video DownloadHelper

Finally, A Media Center AND Manager In One.

Are you tired of your video library being scattered across your computer and devices? Vidine lets you build your personal library from all of your videos effortlessly in just one spot. Not only that, it can play videos directly from their thumbnails using the integrated video player. No more jumping back and forth through programs! Vidine is the perfect complement for Video Download Helper for organizing and enjoying.

New 4.4 version Released July 2017! - Free upgrade for all customers

organize videos

Your Flawless Video Library

A simple, elegant, straightforward solution to a personal library with all of your videos, wherever they are, all in one place. Organizing and enjoying your videos with Vidine is a breeze.

organize videos

Try It Before You Buy It

You will get the FULL version of Vidine for 14 days for just $0. That’s less than a pack of a gum. This way, you can be sure you really love it before you buy it. To cancel, simply use the link provided.

organize videos

100% Risk Free, 100% Secure

Our 2-step subscription ensures a risk free 14 day trial. If you decide you’ve benefited from Vidine after 14 days, we charge the rest of the full lifetime license. If you decide you don’t enjoy it you simply cancel and will never be charged again.

What users are saying about Vidine...

"I love the tagging feature and the ability to jump into scenes based on the image tile."

"Splitting videos up into scenes and being able to tag/categorize them is incredibly helpful. I also appreciate being able to create my own thumbnails for each video, as default thumbnails are often very poor. "

"The ability to visualize large unorganized collections of video clips and especially the thumbnails "

"The fast and thorough indexing of video files this feature is what makes the product stand out. "

"This is the only robust app that properly creates a catalog of scenes from videos. "

"Excellent product - there is nothing else like it in the market "

"no other program quite like it. that i have found. "

"Best thing ever invented for sorting through large groups of misc clips from multiple sources "

"For managing a large video collection, it's the best program I've found. "

organize videos

Transform Your Library

Transform your chaotic video collection into a simple library. Even larger collections of thousand+ videos can be organized with ease. Search by tags, keywords, actors, cast, and more. Never lose sight of your favorite videos with Vidine!

attract video wall

Explore and Discover

It’s easy to rediscover lost memories and videos you thought you’d never see again. Your library will be more accessible than you thought possible. When everything is organized and in one library, you might be surprised at how easy it is to find things you thought you’d never come across again!

video player

Experience Like Never Before

Experience your videos in a new revolutionary way. Play your videos in one window while displaying who’s in the video in another window, all within one Vidine. Multiple windows inside Vidine allow you to enjoy a rich, detailed viewing experience like you’ve never seen before.


The "fucking best" Video Archive Software!
I worked in the Video business for many years, so I have a good idea what a Video Archiv Managment software should be able to do, but the "Fast Video Cataloger" is far away from all I have experienced before, especially when it come to the point where you want to adapt it to your individual needs. Honestly I never saw any Software providing such a high level of "individualization". And all that is balanced with a great concept to avoid the usage will get too complicate because of that. Over all impressive and for sure worth a recommendation! /Andi

"I absolutely love using Vidine! As a videogame industry professional, I have found it to be invaluable in organizing videos from games and used it to create marketing materials, highlight reels, and so much more. In addition to that, I’ve started using the program for my own personal movie collection. The combination of frame capture, plus all of the rich-media options like Actors, Companion Images, and Video Covers, makes cataloging and discovering my collection so much more rewarding! As a long time user of other “Media Hubs”, I can safely say that Vidine is my software of choice, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to get control of their video libraries." /Tony Garcia, EVP Business Development, Unity Technologies

Executive Quality

Vidine is new, but the software isn’t. Vidine comes from a professional video software that’s been developed for years and used by countless professionals. Finally, it’s been reworked for at-home use! This means that you can easily use Vidine to access all of your videos with one conveniently searchable and thoroughly visualized catalog. No professional knowledge required! Vidine makes it a breeze by adding the ability to label or tag your videos for easy searching as well as automatically generating thumbnails for your videos to give you an appealing visual overview so you can see exactly what you need to.


Personal and Private

Vidine will never store your personal data on any cloud server. In fact, you don’t even need the internet to access or edit your private video library! It’s a breath of fresh air in today’s overflow of cloud-based applications. All of your videos will always be right where you left them, never in the hands of any other company or server. Accessible anytime, anywhere, whether you’re connected or not. No more cloud and security headaches.


NO Monthly Fees

We charge $0 for the first 14 days so you have a chance to test the program. If you are still with the program after 14 days we charge a one time license fee. Buy it once, and you can build and enjoy your collection for as long as you please. You will never have to worry about keeping up with payments.


We Do Video Best

Vidine is derived specifically from a professional video program to make browsing and enjoying a seamless experience. Not books, games, music, or anything else. All of the features are focused on your videos. From your Skype sessions, from your phone or tablet, camera or camcorder, or even the internet. Vidine will let you efficiently manage and effectively enjoy whatever video content is most important to you.


Built For Windows

Vidine is written and coded exclusively for Windows PC’s. By not focusing on other operating systems, we’re able to dedicate our full support and development on one system as we have for years. It runs directly on your computer and not in the cloud, so there is no internet lag or waiting for servers. This has allowed us to let Vidine make full use of modern high-performance hardware. This includes multi-core CPU’s and even your graphics card for accelerated performance so your videos won’t skip a beat and your library loads as fast as technologically possible!



Video indexing

  • Automatic thumbnail extraction
  • Batch extract thumbnails from whole folders with videos
  • Add shared tags like keywords and actors when adding new videos

Browse Videos


  • Optimized for performance, uses multiple cores and GPU
  • Time critical code is written in C++
  • Made specifically for Windows

Integrated video player

  • Play straight from video thumbnails
  • Video formats supported through DirectShow
  • Play in fullscreen or window
  • Play Slow / Fast / Single Frames (Depending on codecs)
  • Save jpeg screenshots from videos

Custom layouts

  • Design and switch between custom layouts to make the program suit you
  • Use one or multiple monitors for your layout
  • Layout saved between program runs


  • Set keyword to videos or specific frames in the videos
  • Search and show video frames across multiple different videos


  • Build a library of actors in your video catalog with portraits
  • Add actor images and portraits
  • Search videos by actors

Companion images

  • Add covers to your videos
  • Add other companion images to your videos

Video file manager

  • Integrated file manager, similar to Windows Explorer
  • Moved/deleted files are automatically updated to your Collection


  • Find videos/images in your catalog that have been deleted
  • Automatically updates changed paths to videos
  • Discover new companion images


  • Archive videos seldom accessed to external sources while keeping them browsable in your catalog

Privacy protection

  • View Masked video files just as easy as unmasked files.
  • Protect your catalog with a password to keep it private.


Fredrik Lönn / Founder VideoStorm Sweden AB


...Our FREE gifts to you...

"How to download internet videos"

A step by step guide to download videos from Internet and expand your video clip collection. Simple step by step instructions on what software you need to download from where. Then learn how to save videos straight from your Firefox webbrowser.

Free Download

"13 tips for organizing your video collection"

Learn how to quickly setup a video collection to last a lifetime. With these practical tips you will save a ton of time and avoid frustrations.

Free download

"Quickstart videos"

View our 8 quickstart videos to quickly master the software.

Free access

Find Order In Your Chaos Now!

Are you ready for a final solution? Vidine is truly the end-all for painlessly organizing, exploring, and enjoying your video collection. You really will be amazed at how easy it is to sort through and browse your new personal library using Vidine. With premium organizational features and a built in media player, you’ll never want to use anything else. Start TODAY with a 14 day trial and if you don’t absolutely love it, simply cancel with the link provided.

We will email you your download link. We will never ever share your email.

Get the FULL version of Vidine right now for just $0 for the first 14 days! + $97 after 14 day trial.

Compatible with: Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. MAC and Linux are NOT supported

Install Now!

vidine video manager